Sunday, September 30, 2007

It's Just a Ride


If a blog falls in cyberspace, but nobody subscribes to it, does it really exist?

In fact, how real, exactly, is cyberspace itself? Megabytes, Gigabytes --- units for measuring the perceived capacity of digital containers. Perception is everything, digital or otherwise.

I'll use this blog for a number of things. Mainly, I'll be here to discuss the latest happenings in my upside-down life, but don't be alarmed if you, the reader, suddenly find yourself in a whirlwind of criticism aimed at the weekly Professional Wrestling programs. You'll also find out about my band, the Torrey Canyon Collective, and the havoc we wreak. You'll hear about my friends and my flatmates, as well as my family. It's actually more exciting than it all sounds.

I've had a blog or two in my day, all of which have since been abandoned. I am determined to stick with this one, as it may be my last connection with the real world as I twist and turn through this wild ride that is my two decades-old existence. I hope you'll accompany me through this. It's not going to be easy, but we're in this together.



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